Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Call for entries

Extreme Narcissist is a place for the building and sharing of sexual identities. This is an alternative to those identities and constraints imposed by dominant systems. Extreme Narcissist main focuses are women’s sex desires and fantasies. You are invited to participate if you are a woman of any sexual orientation or if you are a man from the gay community or a heterosexual man with a feminine side or a feminist man. Extreme Narcissist is looking for those images that could build alternative sex identities and to challenge the constraints of the traditional ones. Extreme Narcissist is a place for those images that express the love of the self.

It is an alternative to the proliferation of pornography that does not address women’s desires. It is a place to exercise alternative forms of pornography opposed to those that exercise violence against women, gays, and transgender people.

It will grow with your participation. Now Extreme Narcissist has three calls for entries. They are open to people of all kind of orientations; especially welcome are lesbians, gays, heterosexual women, trans, and feminist men.

If you are a heterosexual man you can participate in the call “take his pants off” if you have a woman taking your pants off.

Your images will be at permanent display at

They will also be parte of the TURN*ON event to be realized between the 15th to the 17th of October in Montreal, Canada, if submitted before the 14th of October. You can send still images as well as QuickTime videos for the web. TURN*ON is organized by the Artivsitic collective.

Extreme Narcissist will continue receiving submissions after the deadline, and will include those that are a celebration of life. It will not accept any form of abuse nor violence against any individual. The submissions arriving within the deadline will be part of TURN*ON, and will be displayed permanently in this blog:

Those arriving after the deadline will be part of the blog.



Extreme Narcissist crecera contigo y con tu participacion. Ahora Extreme Narcissist tiene tres llamadas para tu participacion. Se convoca a personas de toda orientacion sexual, en especial a las de las comunidades gays, lesbianas, y a las mujeres. Hombres heterosexuals son tambien bienvenidos a este sitio para construirse una sexualidad alternativa. Las imagenes y videos recibidos se exhibiran permanentemente en este blog:

1.-Comparte ese narcisista con el mundo, enviando las mas hermosas imagenes de ti mismo. Sin es desnudo mejor, sola/solo o con compania.

2.- Vamos a fornicar, tengamos sexo virtual!

Me he preparado para un encuentro virtual sexual contigo. Grabate en un cuarto verde desnuda/desnudo para poder borrarle el fondo y mezclarlo con las imagenes de video en que aparezco fornicando con el aire en el cuarto verde. En la edicion estaremos juntos sobre cualquier espacio idilico. Si eres timida/timido puedes enviar tu avatar, pero seria mucho mejor si eres tu. Animate y grabate con un fondo verde para realizar ese sueno virtual.

3.-Quitale los pantalones!

Tomate fotos y/ o videos quitandole los pantalones a ese muchacho que te gusta, ya seas hombre o mujer, comparte esas hermosas caderas y pene masculinos. Celebremos el cuerpo del hombre, en toda su sensualidad y erotismo!

Por siglos las mujeres han sido dejadas de lado en la construccion de imagenes para la satisfaccion del deseo sexual, regalemos a mujeres y hombres imagenes del erotismo masculino construido desde la otra vereda. La que satisfaga el deseo femenino, y al deseo gay.

Tambien se aceptan propuestas sobre construcciones alternativas que deseen compartir.

Si son recibidas hasta el 14 de Octubre; seran parte del evento TURN*ON a producirse del 15 al 17 de Octubre en Montreal, Canada.

Envia tus imagenes en formato jpg. o en formato de Quicktime para la web via

a la siguiente direccion:

TURN*ON es organizado por el colectivo Artivistic. Ver mas informacion sobree el evento en

Extreme Narcissist continuara recibiendo sus envios de imagenes y videos despues de la fecha limite para incluirlos en este blog; pero solo los recibidos hasta la fecha limite seran parte del evento TURN*ON.

Todas las imagenes se exhibiran permanentemente en el blog. Por favor indicar como desea identificarse. Incluir los titulos correspondientes a los creditos del video en el mismo video; asi como en el mensaje adjunto en el envio por el servidor FTP

Asegurense de poseer los derechos de autor del material que envien. Esta es una iniciativa sin fines de lucro y los trabajos enviados se exhibiran sin fines de lucro.

No se aceptaran envios que presenten imagenes de violencia o de abuso.

Extreme Narcissist desea celebrar la vida y la libre expression a partir de nuevas formas de pornografia y de construcciones de identidades sexuales.

Extreme Narcissist celebra la vida y el empoderamiento de los individuos por un ejercicio de las libertades sexuales opuesto al abuso de la esclavitud sexual.

Extreme Narcissist es este sitio para compartir y construir nuestras identidades sexuales alternativas a las tradicionales de los sistemas dominantes. Extreme Narcissist prioriza los deseos y fantasias sexuales de las mujeres.
Extreme Narcissist desea tu participacion si eres una mujer de cualquier orientacion sexual, un trans, o si eres un hombre de la comunidad gay, o un hombre con un lado femenino, o un hombre feminista.
Extreme Narcissist busca imagenes que construyan estas identidades sexuales alternativas que reten a las de los sistemas represivos tradicionales.
Extreme Narcissist es un lugar para la expression del amor propio y para la construccion de la autoestima a partir de la construccion de la identidad individual sexual. Extreme Narcissist es tambien una alternativa a la proliferacion de pornografia que no considera el deseo sexual femenino. Este es el lugar para que construyamos esas formas pornograficas alternativas. Este es un lugar para incorporar el deseo femenino y la construccion femenina de las formas que expresen este deseo.
Extreme Narcissist se opone al ejercicio de cualquier forma de violencia, sobre todo a la violencia en contra de la mujer en cualquier forma y sobre todo en las practicas sexuales; asi como a la violencia contra las diversas comunidades homosexuales, u otros grupos de identidad sexual.

Extreme Narcissist wants a space in which the sexual self is built by individuals like you as opposed to the socially constructed stereotypes under which we are supposed to fit.

It is also a space for men and women to present and to project their objects of desire as they really are as opposed to those imposed by the mainstream. Women’s sexual desires are particularly ignored in the mainstream production of pornographic and erotic images. Internet is one of the places where we can change that.

We can enact our wildest fantasies in the virtual world without harming any individual. Here we will be able to perform virtual sex.

So, Extreme Narcissist wants you. Check what will be a virtual home for our virtual selves. Extreme Narcissist is asking you to participate in the blog

by submitting pictures or videos for any of these subjects:

1. - Let me know your self-narcissism, share with the world the most beautiful images of your sexy self. Better naked. Along or with company.

2. -Take his pants off!

Boobies flash us on the mainstream theater now and then. Female and gay men look at those beautiful male hips with desire but weirdly find them publicly displayed for their enjoyment. Lets remove the shame from that delicious treat. Lets take that significant other/friend’s pants off. The penis and the hips provoke so much desire among many of us. We want to have you taking pictures of that man you like, while you are taking his pants off. Reveal us his beauty and sexiness. You can portrait more than one man, and woman with man, woman with men, or man with man, women with man or as many people as you want in the combination you prefer. The numbers do not matter. The pictures and videos must show the sensuality and sexiness of a man’s body. No problem if it is more than one man. The bodies have to be completely uncensored.

Be creative, imaginative, experiment with your cameras to show us your male objects of desire. Make us want them. Lets celebrate the male body!

3. -Let’s fuck

Look at the videos posted that were recorded in the green screen room. I have prepared myself for a super kinky virtual encounter with you. You can record a video to combine it with any or all of the ones posted fucking in the green screen room. I will realize a montage of your image, and my own fucking image. So we will be together in the net. I will erase the green and add my image to your video. You can submit your video with your real name or you can create an alter ego for the Internet. You can also send me an avatar if you prefer. Indicate in the submission: “for the virtual sex encounter”

This page is about empowerment and using sex as a positive force not a destructive one. So, a condition for your submission is that nobody can be harm in the production of your image. Let’s build a platform for self-empowerment through sex.

Please send submissions by the FTP server called yousendit at

It is free.

Send them to the address

The submissions that arrive before the 14th of October will be part of the TURN*ON event organized by the collective Artivistic. Artivistic is an international event, which includes artistic interventions and communications, workshops, screenings, exhibitions, as well as various performance evening events. Artivistic 2009 TURN*ON will welcome more than 30 artists, activists and theorists from France, the Netherlands, Italy, China, the United States, Spain, among others, including Canada. More info at:

All submissions will be posted at the blog: even the ones that arrived after the 14th of October. Please send your submissions in quicktime format for web, smaller than 100 mb, or in jpg files smaller than 2 mb.

You should own the copyrights of the images/videos submitted. This blog is not for profit, so there is not monetary exchange produced within this blog.