Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Call for entries

Extreme Narcissist is a place for the building and sharing of sexual identities. This is an alternative to those identities and constraints imposed by dominant systems. Extreme Narcissist main focuses are women’s sex desires and fantasies. You are invited to participate if you are a woman of any sexual orientation or if you are a man from the gay community or a heterosexual man with a feminine side or a feminist man. Extreme Narcissist is looking for those images that could build alternative sex identities and to challenge the constraints of the traditional ones. Extreme Narcissist is a place for those images that express the love of the self.

It is an alternative to the proliferation of pornography that does not address women’s desires. It is a place to exercise alternative forms of pornography opposed to those that exercise violence against women, gays, and transgender people.

It will grow with your participation. Now Extreme Narcissist has three calls for entries. They are open to people of all kind of orientations; especially welcome are lesbians, gays, heterosexual women, trans, and feminist men.

If you are a heterosexual man you can participate in the call “take his pants off” if you have a woman taking your pants off.

Your images will be at permanent display at

They will also be parte of the TURN*ON event to be realized between the 15th to the 17th of October in Montreal, Canada, if submitted before the 14th of October. You can send still images as well as QuickTime videos for the web. TURN*ON is organized by the Artivsitic collective.

Extreme Narcissist will continue receiving submissions after the deadline, and will include those that are a celebration of life. It will not accept any form of abuse nor violence against any individual. The submissions arriving within the deadline will be part of TURN*ON, and will be displayed permanently in this blog:

Those arriving after the deadline will be part of the blog.


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